Thursday 13 January 2011

Whilst you were sleeping

I'm going to write a blog. I've had this blog set up for a while but I had the privacy set to totally private. I'm not sure even I was allowed to read what I wrote. And I felt that was slightly missing the point. Because you might like to read it too. I'm not going to question why. You were probably meant to be emailing your mother to explain why you're not able to make it home for her birthday when you got distracted and found yourself here. It happens.

Anyway, I have insomnia. Can you have insomnia at 7.45 in the morning? Maybe I've just woken up for the day? But that doesn't sound right AT ALL. It must be insomnia.

Do you remember the marketing strapline for Mingles chocolates a few years ago. It was 'You just can't eat a single Mingle'. IE You won't be able to bring yourself to eat one of our chocolates. What they meant was 'You can't eat just a single Mingle'. IE Our chocolates are so scrummy, if you have one you'll definitely have another.

The poor placement of the word 'just' has always annoyed me. I've never had a place to complain about it before. Tomorrow* I might complain about Andrew Collinge's shampoo strapline.

I don't want to overstretch myself on day one. I feel we've achieved a lot here and you should get back to your email. I might go back to bed.

* Or another appointed day in the future

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